25 de jul. de 2011

HYUNA 'Bubble Pop!'

bubble pop, bubble pop, bubble pop,

Don't you think it strange all the range I'm making up
Sugar, sweetest smack of candy cane melted in your mouth
... make it rough
Once I show you how you'll never get enough

I got my bubble, hey, I got my bubble, hey hey
I got my bubble, yeah, I make my bubble pop
I got my bubble, hey, I got my bubble, hey hey
I got my bubble, yeah, I make my bubble pop

For you I'll make it pop
For you for you
I'll make it pop
For you I'll make it pop

But don't be afraid of the way I tantalize
Speaky of a touch of my gloss and you can't speak
pour a glass and I'll give you some
of my tasty cake you love so much

I got my bubble, hey, I got my bubble, hey hey
I got my bubble, yeah, I make my bubble pop
I got my bubble, hey, I got my bubble, hey hey
I got my bubble, yeah, I make my bubble pop

For you I'll make it pop
For you for you
I'll make it pop
For you I'll make it pop

Come get lost with me
I dare you to try-ey-yy-ey-yy-ey-yy
Come get lost with me
I dare you to try-ey-yy-ey-yy-ey-yy

I got my bubble, hey, I got my bubble, hey hey
I got my bubble, yeah, I make my bubble pop
I got my bubble, hey, I got my bubble, hey hey
I got my bubble, yeah, I make my bubble pop

For you I'll make it pop
For you for you
I'll make it pop
For you I'll make it pop

Come get lost with me
I dare you to try-ey-yy-ey-yy-ey-yy
Come get lost with me
I dare you to try-ey-yy-ey-yy-ey-yy

I got my bubble, hey, I got my bubble, hey hey
I got my bubble, yeah, I make my bubble pop
I got my bubble, hey, I got my bubble, hey hey
I got my bubble, yeah, I make my bubble pop

For you I'll make it pop
For you for you
I'll make it pop
For you I'll make it pop

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